Carefree Accommodation
Located at Pelompek Pasar ,surrounding the riverside
Enjoy meal with the Mount Kerinci’s View and natural environment
Clean, comfort rooms and dormitorities
Hot water shower facility
Western Toliet
Capacity: 40 pax
Easy access to Mount Kerinci, Gunung Tujuh, Rawa BentoSee
• Mt. Kerinci – at 3805m, the highest active volcano in Southeast Asia.
• Lake Gunung Tujuh – South East Asia’s highest crater lake, still surrounded by pristine forests. A lost world hidden in the clouds.
• Lake Kaco – the brilliantly blue swimming hole and natural aquarium hidden in the forests in the southern parts of the Kerinci valley. There are at least four other lakes in the forests near Lempur – Lake Lingkat, Lake Nyalo, Lake Duo, and Lake Kecik.
• The highland wetlands of Rawa Ladeh Panjang and Rawa Bento, the highest wetlands in Southeast Asia. A dugout canoe can be taken through the wetlands at Rawa Bento.
• Mt. Kunyit – an rarely climbed, active, and somewhat mystical volcano between the villages of Talang Kemuning and Lempur. An impressive hot springs can be found deep in the forest at the foot of the mountain.
• Other hot springs besides the ones at Mt. Kunyit include Grao Sakti, near the village of Renah Kemumu, a hot springs a few days into the forest from Ladeh Panjang, the very accessible hotsprings at Semerup and Sungai Medang.
• The Bukit Tapan road, which cuts through the national park, is a great place to spot wildlife day or night, including Mitered Leaf Monkeys, Short-tailed Macaques, Siamang Gibbons, Hornbills and other bird life, Slow Lorises, a few species of civets, flying squirrels, and others.
• Tea plantations and the tea factory in the Kayu Aro sub-district, at the foot of Mt Kerinci – you can tour after getting permission from the locals.
• Traditional dance ceremonies and maybe a Tiger calling ceremony by a Kerinci shaman
• Lake Kerinci – the largest lake in the region, and an important source of fish for the surrounding villages.
• Bukit Khayangan, an overlook above Sungaipenuh that provides fantastic views of the valley.
• Fantastic forest scenery along the river at Muara Imat village.
• The elephant sanctuary at Seblat, Bengkulu to the west of the national park (ask permission from KSDA Bengkulu first.
• Remote, rarely visited traditional forest-edge villages, like Renah Kemumu, in Jangkat and Sungai Tenang and Muara Siau areas of Merangin district.
• Megaliths in the Kerinci valley and at remote and rarely visited Renah Kemumu village in Merangin district.Contact information:
or +6281374006060